miercuri, 11 noiembrie 2009

diferent thorns

8 comentarii:



Paula Werner Severo spunea...

very interesting photos!.. nice colors! good work!

Sishir spunea...

Beautiful blog & great shots!!

Anonim spunea...

Cei care nu iubesc natura,nu au voie,asa e?Bravo Adrian.

Roger Gauthier spunea...

Hello Adrian,

Very nice shots, a daring use of composition and DOF. It's hard to be creative without doing things differently! I have glanced at your other photographs and I am really impressed. I will come back and comment on some of your other pictures more thoroughly. It is my opinion that it is impossible to understand a piece of art in a few seconds.

I am stunned by the number of awfully good Romanian photographers out there. There must be something special in your country... :-)

Keep up the good work!

Roger G.

ninguno spunea...

simplemente beautiful work with metal.

I'll follow you.

Gracias por las ideas

Serge Cornillet

Anonim spunea...

Natura vs. civilatie, s-ar zice. Contrastantae fotografiile astea, si la figurat.

Adrian Popa spunea...

@Fluture: ma bucur ca-ti plac:)
@Paula: I`m happy if you found it interesting, THX!
@Sishir: Thanks for visit.
@Lucian: Ar fi bine sa fie asa, ca atunci n-am mai gasi urmele lasate peste tot unde verdele ar trebui sa domneasca. Multumesc!
@Roger: Thank you very much for your visit and I rise my hat in front of your work and experience in photography. You`re wellcome here anytime and I`m open to learn a lot from you.
@Serge: Thanks That`s because I often listen Heavy Metal:)))) I will follow you too.
@Marius: Din pacate natura asta nu mai reuseste sa castige in fata civilizatiei in ultimul timp, cu toate ca tare mi-ar placea niste revanse. Oricum partea civilizata de la mine e din gardul de la Stanita, ala care duce in jos pe ulita la fantana, iti amintesti?