marți, 17 noiembrie 2009

Where Angels Whip

5 comentarii:

Angel Corrochano spunea...

Your blog has surprised me pleasingly. It contains very good photographies. This last series in black and white is good, very good, especially I like frame and the points of view.

I will visit to you with more frequency.
Thanks to happen and to think in "fotos que importan"

a warm greeting

Ciprian Balan spunea...

Te bat! Ce ai facut aici?

CM spunea...

Great bw photos!

Leslie spunea...

Great pictures, what a pleasure !

Ana spunea...

Imi place seria, desi nu sunt atrasa mai deloc de fotografierea statuilor. Ai facut, insa, o treaba buna. Parca prind viata aceste statui, din unghiurile pe care le-ai ales.