sâmbătă, 9 ianuarie 2010

Rusted in Peace...and Green (still autumn in my mind)

7 comentarii:

Unknown spunea...

Lovely! The rose hips and luscious grapes are my favorites.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am so happy you enjoyed my landscape photography.

Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note

Hyper-Minor spunea...

hi..I like your blog.pretty damn cool.
if you have time please visit this blog..is about photo gear

ahinesa spunea...

Chicory flowers are fine!!!

Richard spunea...

Nostalgic? Iarna nu-i ca vara, asa e.

AutoDT spunea...

Nice pics!

Have a great day with your camera:)


fotolucian spunea...

Deja a venit toamna?Frumoase cadre,mai ales cadrul cu strugurii,felicitari.

Leslie spunea...

I love your pictures !